Meet Wendy from Farmhouse in the Cove
Having gratitude and living a purposeful life everyday in the farmhouse; creating a simple life with nature and baking. Hello, I’m Wendy I’m here to share my family’s journey toward becoming homesteaders. We’re in the process of planning to build a chicken coop and start a garden, and I’ll be documenting our experiences and challenges along the way. We’re excited and looking forward to this adventure! When I talk to others about it, they look at me like I’m crazy, but here’s the thing — we don’t know what the future holds, so I feel the need to be prepared. Through this process, I believe we’ll rediscover the importance of…
Building a Custom Chicken Coop
“Do you prefer to custom-build or buy a kit for a chicken coop? After looking at the kits, we found them to be quite expensive and limited in size, appearance, and other features. My husband and I decided it would…
Sourdough Bread Starter
“Did you know there are different types of sourdough starters? Some popular ones include Amish Friendship Starter, Wild Yeast Starter, and Amish Potato Flake Starter. Each has its own unique flavor and characteristics! Amish Friendship Starter: A sweeter yeast that’s…
Amish Friendship Loaf Bread Recipe
“Check out these beautiful loaves of bread! This was my first time making Amish Friendship Whole Wheat Loaf Bread, and they turned out absolutely delicious and incredibly easy to make. They’re so soft and fluffy! Plus, you can freeze them,…
Starting your Day Positive
“Is it easy to start your day on a positive note? As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found it can be a challenge to get going. I’d love to share a few changes I’ve made to my routine that have really…
Potato Flake Sourdough Starter Recipe
Amish Friendship Sourdough Starter Recipe
Wild Yeast Sourdough Starter Recipe
Farmhouse Kitchen
“Last year, my husband and I semi-renovated our kitchen after discovering a hidden disaster—our dishwasher had been secretly leaking water, causing mold to grow in the kitchen walls and cabinets. I first noticed a terrible smell every time I opened…
The Cove Community
Planting Herbs