“Check out these beautiful loaves of bread! This was my first time making Amish Friendship Whole Wheat Loaf Bread, and they turned out absolutely delicious and incredibly easy to make. They’re so soft and fluffy! Plus, you can freeze them, thaw them out, and they’ll still taste divine.
I recently decided to start baking my own bread because the cost of store-bought bread has skyrocketed, and it’s hard to know exactly what’s in it with all the added ingredients. Making my own bread not only saves money but also feels so much healthier.
I’m excited to share the recipe I used. I found it while browsing online but can’t recall exactly where—it’s too good not to share!”
Amish Friendship Sandwich Loaf Bread Recipe – Whole Wheat or White
This makes 3 loaves of sandwich bread and can be either white bread or whole wheat
cupAmish Friendship StarterRefer to Starter Recipe
1 1/2cupWarm WaterUse purify water
1/4cupHoneyor sugar (I use honey)
1/4cupoilI use extra virgin oil
3tbspVital Wheat GlutenIf using wheat flour (omit if using Bread flour)
6cupsWhole Wheat Flouror Bread Flour
1tspSaltI use sea salt
1. In a stand mixer bowl or if not using a mixer, put in a separate bowl, stir together warm purified water, honey or sugar, and yeast. Let it sit for 10 minutes. It should foam up.2. Add the Amish Friendship starter, oil, eggs, salt, wheat gluten (only if you're using wheat flour) and add 4 cups of either wheat or bread flour and mix together.3. Gradually add the remaining 2 cups of flour until the dough pulls away from the side of the bowl. Let the mixer knead for about 8 to 10 minutes. The sides of the bowl should be clean. If you're kneading by hand, knead until it's clean on the sides of the bowl.4. Oil the bottom and sides of a large bowl (should be glass bowl), put the dough down into the bowl and put cling wrap plastic cover. Let it rise, it will take about 3 hours for it to double in size at room temperature. (I put mine in the oven so it wouldn't get any air draft.) 5. Once it has doubled in size, punch dough down and put on lightly floured counter. Divide into 3 equal balls. (I weigh mine on scale to make sure they are equally divided.) Knead and Shape them into a log – about 6 inches long.6. Grease 3 loaf pans or put parchment paper in them (I use the parchment paper) Place the dough in the pan and cover with damp tea towel and let it rise for another 2 hours.7. Once they doubled in size, take the towel off and bake them in the over at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. After crust comes up lightly brown, Cover with foil to prevent dark crust.Savor it!