All things that involves Homesteading
Building a Custom Chicken Coop
Do you custom build or buy a kit for the chicken coop? After looking at the kits, it’s so expensive and you are limited on the size, the looks, and the list goes on. My husband and I decided it…
Sourdough Bread Starter
Did you know there are different kinds of sourdough starters? There are Amish Friendship starter, Wild Yeast Starter, and Amish Potato Flake Starter. They all work and taste differently. The Amish Friendship starter is a sweeter yeast, the Wild Yeast…
Amish Friendship Loaf Bread Recipe
Look at these beautiful loaves of bread! This was my first time making these Amish Friendship Whole Wheat loaf bread. They were absolutely delicious and easy to make. They are very soft and fluffy. You can freeze them and thaw…
Potato Flake Sourdough Starter Recipe
Amish Friendship Sourdough Starter Recipe
Wild Yeast Sourdough Starter Recipe
Planting Herbs
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Duis nulla purus, scelerisque augue utixe tempus rhoncus manire. mane massa mauris, acumsana eget fringilla sed, placerate nec mauris. Mauris blandit odio sit ametia mattis ultrices. Fusce lucts porta…
Planting Seeds vs Planting Plants?
Farmhouse Style
Building Garden Beds