Kitchen Island
Farmhouse Must Haves

Farmhouse Kitchen

My husband and I just semi-renovated our kitchen last year since since our dishwasher secretly leaked water and molded our kitchen walls and cabinets.  I started noticing the smell and was trying to figure out where and what an earth it was!  I kept telling my husband every time I opened the bottom cabinets, the smell was just horrendous.  So we started investigating the dishwasher by looking underneath and sure enough it was leaking water while it was running a cycle.  It was the last thing we wanted to see.  Although, we have been in our house for 20 years, we should’ve know the dishwasher was on its last leg.  We had plans to do a full renovation in 5 years.  We started ripping out the bottom cabinets and as you can see in the picture, it was mortifying!

We did the process ourselves because we wanted to save every penny we could to semi renovate the kitchen. We decided to take the bar out since it really didn’t work well in our kitchen. We went to Home Depot and luckily they had all of the cabinets we needed, countertop, dishwasher and a sink. We decided to go ahead and do the flooring while we were redoing the kitchen. The process took us 2 full months since we both worked full-time jobs and time was limited for us to do a quick semi renovation.

After we have put the kitchen back together and put down new flooring which we got a heck of a deal on, we needed an island. I found the island of my dreams, thanks to our community antique country store, It’s just Plain Country. It is the perfect size for our kitchen and for me to work on it. I love the country vibe it gives our kitchen. I wasn’t keen on the Burgundy color and had planned on repainting it. Surprisingly, the color is growing on me so I may hold off painting it.

It’s rewarding to redo things yourself and reap the beauty of your handiwork. This is something my husband and I will always cherish because we did this together. We will be doing more do it yourself projects in the upcoming months! Follow along for more journeys to come.