Baking with Sourdough

Sourdough Bread Starter

“Did you know there are different types of sourdough starters? Some popular ones include Amish Friendship Starter, Wild Yeast Starter, and Amish Potato Flake Starter. Each has its own unique flavor and characteristics!

  • Amish Friendship Starter: A sweeter yeast that’s great for breads and desserts.
  • Wild Yeast Starter: Known for its tangy, classic sourdough flavor.
  • Amish Potato Flake Starter: Offers a mild, sweet yeast flavor.
  • There are even gluten-free versions of these starters, though I haven’t tried those yet. The key to success with any starter is feeding it regularly to keep it happy—happy starter, happy bread (and desserts)! I’ll be sharing more about these varieties soon, so stay tuned!”